one of my favorite things to think about is ben becoming this super eccentric gazillionaire in the years before derry pt 2. like my dude is lonely and super rich and he carried a ripped up yearbook page in his wallet for 30 years so i think we should let him be weird
like eat the rich or whatever but ben is fictional so i think he should have a big scary mansion in the middle of nowhere that has like. secret passageways and weird art and a room thats dedicated solely to his pet iguana
he does all his work remotely so hes not used to interacting much with anyone so when bev comes to stay with him she sometimes finds him doing fucking weird stuff. like she'll walk into his lab/workshop and he's in socks and a bathrobe trying to build a bench with medieval tools
she learns all this weird stuff about him. he got his pilot's license just for fun, he opened an elephant sanctuary, he is a relatively successful country music singer, he collects crystals, he donates a ton of money to bigfoot research
he has like REALLY intense rivalries with other megarich people like maybe he threw a drink at el*n m*sk or something. k*nye has a line in a song dissing him bc he refused to build him and kim a fountain or something
i just think it would be so funny if like, of all of them ben has the most money from his ugly dick buildings that people hate. it's ben's world we're just living in it
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