the thing about star wars is like......... what if lightning bolt wrote a pop punk album for fun. and that pop punk album was not only more popular than the rest of their work, it was also so popular that it basically BECAME culture.
because of how popular that pop punk album was, lightning bolt then had to ONLY record pop punk albums for the rest of their career, despite clearly not wanting to and thinking that that one pop punk album was basically an okay album for kids. that's george lucas.
george lucas thought he was going to make some cool experimental films with his friends and then accidentally made star wars
i deeply admire his knowledge and artistry and also never want to become him
i feel like this is part of why star wars becomes better the wilder, less literal, more complicated it gets. those original movies are just bursting at the seams with ambition and also are built on a deep love for movies and adventure. you need to match that energy.
essentially any good star wars thing will in some capacity break the logic of star wars, because star wars comes from an artistic tradition of filmmaking where things are broken down and recreated
a very literal example of that: lucas has often said that arthur lipsett's 21-87 was a huge influence on him. you can see how he also sees moving image as collage, how that made its way into a new hope.
just took the ten minutes to watch that again, and it's still beautiful even when it's compressed to all shit on youtube.
i highly reccommend watching @patrickhwillems's gonzo video series about francis ford coppola for putting a lot of this history in context for me.
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