Never ever did I think that I would be grateful for growing up in apartheid South Africa. The regime was brutal and many innocent people were killed, simply because they held different views than the government or wanted equal rights.
I was there for the 1976 uprising in Soweto and the rest of the schools in the country. I witnessed brutal killings that till this day haunt me. 😢
I was almost killed a number of times for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. That is if you can call demonstrations the wrong place and time.
Our house became a popular stopover for the security police. You see my dad was part of the opposition, the worst one. He was a communist. Once or twice a week the knock would come and we would be rousted from our beds.
My grand dad on my father's side was a Bishop in the AME church and a stalwart ANC supporter. He used his church travels to relay information and other commodities.
My dad was an ardent sportsman and excelled in golf, soccer, rugby, cricket and darts. He used his frequent trips to meet with his fellow dissidents and organize against the government.
Here I am now, in the mighty USA and it turns out the US is just as racist, if not more than the Apartheid regime. racism was always there, but with the election of trump, it came to the fore.
It has been open season on Black lives for the last four years. Nobody is exempt, not people with disabilities, not women not minorities or people of the LGBQT community.
If not apartheid, I would not have been prepared for trump and likely would have suffered a lot more emotional and psychiatric anguish.
So fuck trump, the GOP and every racist who thought they will break me or many of us suffering through this.
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