Today is the safeharbor date- the legal challenges to states’ electors must end today & the electors are meant to be finalized today. We should know which group of electors will represent each state by the end of the day.
“If a state has finalized its results six days before then, according to the ECA, then those results qualify for "safe harbor" status - meaning Congress must treat them as the "conclusive" results, even if, for example, a state's legislature sends in a competing set of results.”
The next important date to watch what happens is Dec 14- the date electors submit their votes for president. We will then see if there are any faithless electors & we will have the official EC total votes for Biden’s victory. The names of the electors will be in the public record
The next important date will be after the new Congress has convened. On Jan 6, the Congress will vote to ratify the EC results. This is technically the date the election results become official & the President-elect is confirmed.
The period of time between Dec 14 & Jan 6 will be the most dangerous for our democracy since 1861-1865, IMO.
Will Trump & Rs violate the votes of the EC & voters, and attempt to install Trump in some unscrupulous or subversive way? If so, it would constitute a political coup.
So long as Jan 6 passes with Congress voting to accept Joe Biden as the President, the die will then be cast & we will be able to move toward Jan 20 without further significant risk to the Republic.
Heaven help us.
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