TEXAS' BLISTERING US Supreme Court Filing re: Pennsylvania --

"Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State, Kathy
Boockvar, without legislative approval, unilaterally
abrogated several Pennsylvania statutes requiring
signature verification for absentee or mail-in ballots.
2/ legislature has not ratified these changes, and the legislation did not include a severability clause."

Useful reminder of how "non-biased" SoS Boockvar is. 👇🏼 https://twitter.com/KathyBoockvar/status/839095609730744320?s=20
3/ "On 8/7/2020 the League of Women
Voters of PA & others filed a complaint
against Secretary Boockvar & other local election
officials, seeking “a declaratory judgment that
Pennsylvania existing signature verification
procedures for mail-in voting” were unlawful for a
number of
4/ reasons. ... The Pennsylvania Department of State
quickly settled with the plaintiffs, issuing revised
guidance on September 11, 2020, stating in relevant
part: “The Pennsylvania Election Code does not authorize the county board of elections to set aside
returned absentee or
5/ mail-in ballots based solely on signature analysis by the county board of elections. This guidance is contrary to
Pennsylvania law.

-- The Pennsylvania Department of State’s
guidance unconstitutionally did away w/
Pennsylvania’s statutory signature verification
6/ Approximately 70 percent of the
requests for absentee ballots were from Democrats
and 25 percent from Republicans. Thus, this
unconstitutional abrogation of state election law
greatly inured to former Vice President Biden’s

-- In addition, in 2019, Pennsylvania’s
7/ legislature enacted bipartisan election reforms, 2019
Pa. Legis. Serv. Act 2019-77, that set inter alia a
deadline of 8:00 p.m. on election day for a county
board of elections to receive a mail-in ballot." This was upheld by the PA Supreme Court [but should be overturned].
8/ -- Pennsylvania’s election law also requires
that poll-watchers be granted access to the opening,
counting, and recording of absentee ballots. Local election officials in Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties
decided not to follow [PA election code] for the
opening, counting &
9/ recording of absentee and mail-in ballots.

-- Prior to the election, Secretary Boockvar
sent an email to local election officials urging them to
provide opportunities for various persons—including
political parties—to contact voters to “cure” defective
mail-in ballots.
10/ This process clearly violated several provisions of the state election code.

-- "Section 3146.8(g)(1.1) provides that the first look
at the ballots shall be “no earlier than 7 A.M. on election day.” And the hour for this “pre-canvas” must be publicly announced at least 48
11/ hours in advance. By removing the ballots for examination prior to 7 A.M. on election day, Secretary
Boockvar created a system whereby local officials could review ballots without the proper announcements, observation, and security.
12/ This entire scheme, which was only followed in Democrat majority counties, was blatantly illegal in that it
permitted the illegal removal of ballots from their
locked containers prematurely. Statewide election officials and local election officials in Philadelphia & Allegheny
13/ Counties, aware of the historical Democrat advantage
in those counties, violated Pennsylvania’s election
code and adopted the differential standards favoring
voters in Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties with
the intent to favor former Vice President Biden. Absentee and
14/ mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania were thus evaluated under an illegal standard regarding signature verification. It is now impossible to determine which ballots were properly cast and which ballots were not.

-- "In addition, a great number of ballots were received after the
15/ statutory deadline and yet were counted by virtue of the fact PA did not segregate all ballots received after 8:00 pm on November 3, 2020. Boockvar’s claim that only about 10,000 ballots were received after this deadline has no way of being proven since Pennsylvania broke its
16/ promise to the Court to segregate ballots and comingled perhaps tens, or even hundreds of thousands,
of illegal late ballots.

-- "On December 4, 2020, fifteen members of
the Pennsylvania House of Representatives led by
Rep. Francis X. Ryan issued a report to Congressman
17/ Scott Perry. The Ryan Report’s findings are startling,
• Ballots with NO MAILED date. That total is
• Ballots Returned on or BEFORE the Mailed
Date. That total is 58,221.
• Ballots Returned one day after Mailed Date.
That total is 51,200.
18/ These nonsensical numbers alone total 118,426 ballots and exceed Mr. Biden’s margin of 81,660 votes over President Trump. But these discrepancies pale in comparison to the discrepancies in Pennsylvania’s reported data concerning the number of mail-in ballots distributed to
19/ the populace—now with no longer subject to legislated mandated signature verification requirements. The Ryan Report also states as follows:
[I]n a data file received on November 4, 2020, the
Commonwealth’s PA Open Data sites reported over
3.1 million mail in ballots sent out.
20/ The CSV file from the state on November 4 depicts 3.1 million mail in ballots sent out but on November 2, the information was provided that only 2.7 million
ballots had been sent out. This discrepancy of
approximately 400k from November 2 to
November 4 has not been explained.
21/ These stunning figures illustrate the out-of-control nature of Pennsylvania’s mail-in balloting scheme. Democrats submitted mail-in ballots at more than two times the rate of Republicans. This number of constitutionally tainted ballots far exceeds the approximately 81,660
22/ votes separating the candidates. This blatant disregard of statutory law renders all mail-in ballots constitutionally tainted and cannot form the basis for appointing or certifying Pennsylvania’s presidential electors to the Electoral College." 💥

Cut. and. Dry. 🇺🇸
I apologize for the odd formatting within the tweets. Thought I had corrected it beforehand. Not sure what happened there. Fortunately, all of the information is still included, albeit a bit more difficult to follow.
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