Of the ~260K C19 deaths certified so far, the CDC will not disclose the # that died OF the disease vs merely tested positive at some point prior to passing. This data, essential in assessing the impact of C19 & measures taken in response, remains confidential. Why? It's absurd.
We're required to stay in our homes, shutter businesses, close schools, avoid groups, wear masks & endure many other onerous and costly measures, yet we're not permitted to know a fundamental piece of information: how many have actually died "of" COVID vs merely "with" it.
We're given hints that the number of actual deaths from C19 is much smaller than the current 260,000 certified. For example, 9,000 of that total are deaths from "accidental or intentional injury" where the virus played no role, and only ~45% of C19 fatalities died w/ pneumonia.
It's easy to lose sight of the fact that this key piece of data remains, for reasons unexplained, a state secret. We've never counted deaths in this way for any other disease. Why, when we're asked to make unprecedented sacrifices for C19, does the CDC obscure this information?
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