Also have to large up @SquidgeRugby for his genuinely interesting content @ek_rugby as well.

@SamLStandsUp & @samrobertsrugby for having common sense.

Uncle @ugomonye for consistently freeing the realness.

And of course, my guy @DannyCipriani87
Because you see this game? The JBeardmores, Neil Fisslers and them man there are just the more articulate version of some of the nonsense I see in some rugby Facebook groups.
Raheem Sterling recently spoke about senior Liverpool players telling him not to wear his earrings or chain around the training ground.

Not to have a white car etc etc and calling him Mr Bling (bear in mind, he was on £250 a week).

Rugby has this issue in different ways.
It’s only this year I deeped what my old coach used to do for us. He really let us be ourselves.

Couple man used to turn up to games in Nike tracksuit bottoms with shirt and tie.

Stud earrings, New Era caps, one Nike glove, playing Grime in the changing room.

Not all, some.
Those players who did that? He knew that was their ting and left them to it. As long as they turned up.

I dread to think how many would have stopped playing had they played for someone else.
Anyway sha. If I’m blessed with a son that wants to play rugby?

Black Fly-Half soon land for England. Mentored by his Black Rugby Twitter uncles; the streets will be ready.

Lions Tour 2050, book it.
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