This is not directed at any one person and is just in general related to this happening to me

Its time to talk about misgendering, specifically about responding to someone correcting you on they're pronouns, like me correcting you to say they.

A lot of people get it wrong
And when i correct, it's obvious that standing by misgendering is wrong. But how you reply is still important. I'm gonna highlight a common mistake people do

They get it wrong, the person corrects them and then they pull out the "OMG I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO THAT WAS DUMB-"
Please please please don't do that. For a few reasons

1. It just makes the person that was misgendered feel awkward

2. It puts focus on you, instead of the misgendered person

3. It places pressure on the misgendered person to console you, which shouldn't be the case
You're not the important part, and excessive applogizing tends to make it about YOUR validation now, instead of theirs.

So how should you apologize? Well there's the good ways, and then the best way

The good way is just be simple. "Whoops, fixed it!" or "oh sorry!" And move on
But you know what's even better than apologizing, what the best response is? Thanking

"Thanks for correcting me!"

This says not only do you want to get it right, but you WANT to be corrected when you get it wrong. No awkwardness, no "its OK" and it'll make the person feel good!
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