What do Malians think about the post-coup transition phase & priorities going forward? Updated version of #MaliMetre by #FES #Bamako is out! Survey of + 5000 #Mali'ans, both urban and (for the 1st time) rural residents. http://fes-mali.org/images/mise_en_page_finale_correction301120.pdf?fbclid=IwAR05l2TYdMmyhxbVxVdxzbsoKIX3ovaza_E4BYAlGLUmzrSglsfLz8eDwHU cc @chk2310 / Thread
1/ Main challenges as identified by +5000 urban/rural #Mali'ans: in addition to security concerns, education system, poverty, food insecurity and the health system identified as top 5 priorities
2/ Main challenges of post-coup #Mali as identified by + 5000 respondents in the new #MaliMetre, according to gender (left) and (urban/rural)
3/ What immediate action should #Mali'an transition government prioritise? Primary concern insecurity, but education remains major, follows closely on rank 2.
4/ Asked to identify the most important reforms in #Mali, reform of the justice sector named as priority for 25 % of the + 5000 respondents, followed by a reform of the education system #MaliMetre
5/ Who should lead the transition phase in post-coup #Mali? More than 50 % of respodents prefer a military-led transition, little variance between urban/rural areas
6/ Lastly, popular opinon across regions on the coup against former president #IBK & whether he should rest in power. Note that survey was carried out in October, 6 weeks following the coup of 18th August
7/ Much more to unpack in this new post-coup edition of #MaliMetre, including perceptions of international actors such as #MINUSMA, #ECOWAS and #EU & an extensive methodology section. Find the full report of Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation and @chk2310 here: http://fes-mali.org/images/mise_en_page_finale_correction301120.pdf?fbclid=IwAR05l2TYdMmyhxbVxVdxzbsoKIX3ovaza_E4BYAlGLUmzrSglsfLz8eDwHU
8/ For comparison, the 2019 #MaliMetre published earlier this year can be found here: http://www.fes-mali.org/index.php/mali-metre/25-malimetre/158-presentation-de-mali-metre-xi Some key findings here: https://twitter.com/annateesch/status/1238059744700567556 /FIN
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