Story time. 🙂

In early 2017 my wife and I were living at my parents.

I told her I was gonna start a YouTube channel and start my online business journey for real.

I formed an LLC in my name.

Opened a business bank account.

And deposited $2,000 as my “monopoly money”.

I promised my wife two things:

1. I would make a full time income in 3-5 years.

2. I would never put another dime from our family money into my business account.

Here’s what happened over the next 4 years (till today)...

2017 was “gut check” phase.

Cranking out videos, doing blogging, Pinterest, social media, testing all sorts of stuff...

$0 income.

Barely any subs or followers.

I was carefully using my $2,000 only for what I needed.

But I kept going! I knew it would work.
2018 I qualified for YouTube Adsense and started to gain momentum with views.

I made $3,581 from YouTube ads the entire year and probably another couple thousand from affiliate marketing.

I’d guess probably total revenue in 2018 was $6,000 or so.

Now for 2019...👀
In 2019 the growth really picked up. 📈

I passed 20,000 subscribers, was doing much more business content, and was doing my “Learn How” podcast.

With more revenue coming in I was able to spend more on marketing, tools, I bought new computers, lights, cameras 📷, and gear.

In 2019 I started using Quickbooks to keep track of business income.

Total for the year was $21,276 💵
(screenshot from Quickbooks)

It felt great to see the income increase from 2018!

Now for 2020...👀

2020 has been the year of full scaling. 🔥📈📈

Our Amazon biz (that we started mid 2019) has really taken off.

We discovered the strategy to massive growth.

My personal brand took a pivot to focus on Amazon Brand building.

Social media also picked up.

YouTube hit 50,000 subs.
Twitter 30,000
IG 30,000
Podcast 20,000

I continued to reinvest money into my businesses. ⛽️ 🔥🔥🔥

The year hasn’t finished but 2020 income is $97,609 💵💵💵

All this coming from my $2,000 investment in 2017. 👀

2017: $0
2018: $6,000
2019: $21,276
2020: $97,609

In 2021 we also plan to start paying ourselves from Amazon.

Feb 2022 will be my “5 year anniversary” from the day I told my wife I’d turn my vision and my $2,000 investment into a full time income.

Lesson I hope to give...👇🏼
People overestimate what they can do in 1 year and underestimate what they can do in 5.

I made $0 in 2017.

If I didn’t commit to 5 years before starting I probably would’ve given up...😔

Commit to 3 - 5 years.

It doesn’t happen overnight but it goes by FAST!!!
Every day I’m so grateful I didn’t give up.

The momentum builds like a snowball rolling down a hill. ⛄️

Reinvest. Reinvest. Reinvest.

Sweat equity in the beginning then invest your earnings when you start to get them.

Give yourself your own raise. 💪🏻
I hope this inspires someone to really put their head down and work.

You may not know how it will happen, and I’m pretty sure your path will change and pivot during the journey! 😅😅😅

But those who are persistent will be rewarded.

I appreciate you all! 💚🙏🏼
You can follow @andyisom100K.
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