1/ A story of loss and redemption from an Unchained client. Names removed to protect the innocent:

"One of my favorite vault features is that it prompts you to check keys every 90 days - to ensure you have your proverbial shit together and so you pay attention to your keys!
2/ Last week I got the quarterly email so I started working on doing my key check. But I had a problem: I put in the PIN wrong on my Ledger. No problem, I must've fat-fingered it. So I put it in again... wrong. Now I had only one more try before the device was wiped.
3/ I was 100% sure I remembered my PIN, so I put it in once more knowing that I could just use my recovery seed if I really needed to. As you may expect, I failed and I was locked out.
4/ So I went to my hiding spot to get my recovery seed phrase. And here's where I started to sweat... every HODLers worst fear! I couldn't find it! Damn. Did I forget where I had put it?
5/ I started wracking my brain to remember where it was. I'm still thinking about it every day... how the hell did I lose that ever-so-important piece of paper?
6/ If this were you, and you don't have an Unchained vault, you'd basically be screwed. Or you'd be stuck wracking your brain for hours or days. Lucky for me, I had thrown caution to the wind and listened to @phil_geiger, who advised me to create an Unchained Vault.
7/ I lost control of 1 of my devices, but I still had the PIN for the 2nd, and thanks to Unchained, I was able to recover my funds with a simple sweep of my vault on the website, and a friendly identity verification call from the Unchained team. Boom! I had control once again!
8/ Now, you might be thinking to yourself, "I'm not as stupid as [this Unchained client] is, I'd never lose my seed/keys," and the first part is likely true. But there are all kinds of ways to lose control of your Bitcoin - freak accidents, fires, being an idiot, etc.
9/ It could happen to you. IMO this is one of the biggest risks to holding bitcoin, and using a Vault with Unchained is a great way to mitigate that risk. So now that it saved my ass, I strongly recommend you cover yours." /fin
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