#ARMYREALTEA today i am starting my segment on ARMY real tea. A derivation of #ARMYREALTALK because I feel like this is needed lately due to increased activity from idiots on the internet who enjoy trivializing ARMY concerns and BTS achievements but also for people+
Who seem not know what's really going on (clueless BTS fans, Baby ARMY, and outliers). On episode 1 of #ARMYREALTEA I will be addressing something that people may have heard of, witnessed but decided to ignore because its BTS, or because they don't really get the dynamics going +
On or because they think us fans are exaggerating and reading into everything and trying to victimize BTS for a variety of reasons. I wanna start by saying this, today. The entertainment industry in any country is not to be romanticized like people do. For people seem to +
Think that rising into this mess of ethical conflict is easy, and just based on talents. But it is not. Im making this thread not to go after other groups but to criticize the fact that because of the way entertainment industry functions, labels and groups often end up+
Playing into the corruption and when that happens its an endless cycle, and a system is created. And one of the things that makes BTS and BIG HIT Special is that they decided to stand up and fight that system. They took risks but because they took risk and did what's right+
They managed to accomplish more than anyone! And as ARMY, I am proud of that fact! And I support every endeavor because I know its coming from a good place, and that it is making a real change in the world because they are using the power that they have for good.+
That being said. Today's #ARMYREALTEA is gonna address and talk about the reason why BIG HIT's end of the year concert is a big ass F*ck you to the broadcasting industry in SK who has been downplaying BTS and basically has been bullying them and Big Hit for the longest time+
Say what you like but BTS and big hit have been calling out the BS in the SK industry from the beginning, the boys have suffered for their refusal to play into their games and to this day, they are not liked and are being targeted constantly by the industry and thats a fact+
From asking cheap questions like this one to people they invite to discuss BTS success in the industry, which im grateful for Mr Kim for answering accurately+
To downplaying their achievements at award shows like we witness on both MMA and MAMA this past weekend. To breaking into their agency to try and find dirt on them like JTBC did. To downplaying their grammy nomination and not properly reporting on them to the point that +
People are really complaining about this. Like this is not just something that ARMY is saying but something that people are getting outraged about +
Yes, this is the reality. The korean media and the entertainment industry is Mad, and they take it out on the boys anyway they can+
I think this speaks for itself. And this is not just the stance of one person here. Videos about this BS are all over the internet but I digress+
The real tea is that Big hit and BTS have been challenging everything about the system I mentioned earlier and they've been succeeding and in doing so they are further exposing the rotten way things really work and trying to flip that over its head and this year one of the ways+
They went about it was with the end of year big hit concert coming up and thats where the #ARMYREALTEA is at. They are using this as concert to take a stance and some people are mad like real mad 😂😂+
I know some people have the tendency to go "oh you are overexaggerating, and always embellishing" but I can't make this shit up. First of all, these are the words of industry experts. So that got a lot of people salty AF and amongst them salty fishes we find today's main MBC+
These effers are like Mad Mad y'all 😂😂 they've been trying to implicate BTS into every kind of BS they can find including politics which I have a thread about earlier this year + https://twitter.com/gmcantave1/status/1278809385582632961?s=19
Radicalizing the boys in terms of politics even though the boys never took such stances. MBC is one of the main channels who play this shit because what a lot if you dont know is that there is also a political aspect to the way they treat BTS in the korean Media as well+
I am not making this up guys. This is why I'm always yelling on the TL about being clear about separating politics and BTS on both fronts. I wrote an entire thread about that too especially during the heat if social mvments like the BLM movement. + https://twitter.com/gmcantave1/status/1280688510807298052?s=19
The boys have been constantly used are continually being used in politics especially for the military exemption laws and many more things that im not gonna get into right now but one of the main stations who truly enjoy dragging them into those kinds of things is MBC but +
There are layers guys and one of those layers is the incident that happened last year because of BTS participation in the New years rocking Eve end of the year festival. And this created a big rift between Big hit and MBC+
For those of you who dont know what happened imma let this nice man explain so people can say im putting words in Korean peoples mouths. He said Once upon a time, BTS and Big hit made a choice to +
Do what was right for them despite the ridiculous demands of this pompous ass station wanting them to cancel their important schedule just so they could display their "power/importance" in the industry and BTS said well tough shit but we don't play that game+
So they got salty Af and started acting up like petty children who dont get their way. Finding all kinds of ways to sabotage Big hit and BTS as I mentioned above but let's let the lovely man confirm the pettiness 😂😭 smh+
And I mean it was so obvious everybody and their mama was talking about it because this is common occurrence guys and the boys have been victims of this system which we ARMY are currently helping them win over+
And this battle is not over guys. As I've said the boys are constantly under attack nd so is the fandom which I don't think I need to even show proof of we are surrounded but this BS is a reality and our boys and Big Hit have been exposing this mess+
On a larger scale. Because people are starting to talk about it more and more. This is a more recent interview where someone took the courage to speak on the bullshit because of how noticeable this thing got due to the fact that they were targeting the boys unfairly+
And this power play tactic make it hard for labels to not participate in the corruption and the mess which is what makes BTS and Big Hit so impressive and so worthy of our support and love because they chose to do right and to fight back+
And people are taking more and more notice of this system and they are taking more and more notice of the difference. And we should be proud of that but at the same time understand that because they are choosing to do the right thing+
They are always gonna be under attack and we should, as a fandom, understand the situation and learn the boys history and the history surrounding their extremely difficult rise and the many attacks they are under so that we can better support and be better motivated in our +
Endeavors. But to continue the story, this year Big hit said im not gonna sit back and just take the BS so they are retaliating and the way im sipping on that Tea 🍵 and just cackling at this 😂😂 i had to share but also explain so that yall could sip with me+
Big hit said, Imma hit yall where it hurts cuz we all know the viewership for the big hit family concert is gonna mess with theirs 😂😂😂 and because of their Pettiness they've lost opportunity to ever have BTS on that show. And im just sitting here clapping like a seal😂+
Yall the energy and the relevance of this move! This is not only a way to retaliate but also a way to raise conversation even more on this topic and let me tell you they did just that+
Because people are talking about asking questions that should've been asked a long time ago and our boys are at the forefront of this conversation. Our boys are in many PAVING THE WAY and this is one of those ways and this is not just me running my mouth as a fan+
And I couldn't be more proud. They mad, and they salty and they are not gonna stop attacking so we all gotta know that and be ready. In the meantime, #streamBe while you sip on the #ARMYREALTEA

PS: Here is a link to the tea video so you can sip too 🍵🍵
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