2/ One important reason adopting the >100 μm definition for a droplet is significant is that it corrects to an understanding based in aerosol physics, not tradition.

Read this 300-word letter arguing for the 100 μm def'n, which was a part of this push. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/370/6514/303.2
3/ The terminology is important, bc by this updated definition "droplets" aren't inhaled much, so the mechanism of infection & key prevention strategies ( #ventilation) are different.

Very good thread on how droplets, aerosols fly & infect by @jljcolorado. https://twitter.com/jljcolorado/status/1292880342227984385
4/ Ultimately, clear guidance based in science and various recent updates by the #CDC are really good signs of more hope to come, but more importantly are good for public health as we continue to fight #COVID together. https://twitter.com/HuffmanLabDU/status/1336165879067803648
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