Alot of people are asking what I learned so ima just make a thread lol. I learned most of this from a few gallery owners and art dealers who were nice enough to tell me after I kept getting rejected to every gallery I sent my art to
Alot of people think art is one of those fields where you can work hard , market yourself and eventually the right people will find you, but it's simply not
Artists accepted to galleries are either referred by friends of the gallery owner or they already have a big enough fanbase its impossible not to notice them i.e. Banksy, KAWS, Mr. Brainwash, Damien Hirst, Alec Monopoly etc.
The whole market is built off of hype, whether it be from your personality/crazy stunts or art dealers inflating the value of the actual work. The dealers even admitted they would inflate the prices of new artists to make the work sound more valuable in the long run
I'm even starting to see this with things like NFTs too. Many collectors keep trying to hype up the value of the work and make it seem like this stuff will be revolutionary for artists when they really just see it as a commodity that'll make them more money in the future
So to all the artists that wanna make big bucks like these guys, you gotta have something attached to the name that makes people invested in you. Whether it be your story, the message, or something else its simply not enough to just rely on the quality of your work
Artists often fall victim to this false narrative of a "starving artist gets rich because of how amazing their work is" but its just false, even the greats were intentionally propped up to be more than they were
Basquiat had Annina Nosei and Bruno Bischofberger, Damien Hirst & Jenny Saville had Charles Saatchi, and Picasso had Daniel-Henri Kahnweiler. These people were made to be great from the connections they had
The point of this thread isn't to discourage anyone it's just to let you know that "it takes a village." Don't do things on your own, don't solely rely on these "Artists drop your links" threads. Make connections with people who want to help take you to the next level
I made a thread explaining how networking for creatives works. I hope it helps some of you
You can follow @dimithryv.
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