Renato Guttuso (Italian, 1911-1987). Funerali di Togliatti, 1972. Mixed technique on hardboard, 340 x 440 cm. Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna, Italy. Foto: ©Matteo Monti.
Preceded by Antonio Gramsci, Palmiro Togliatti (1893-1964), was a founding member and the longest-serving secretary of the Italian Communist Party (PCI), from 1927 to 1964. More than one million people attended his funeral in Rome.
Angela Davis visited the Museo d'Arte Moderna in Bologna in March 2016 to contemplate this allegorical piece where she is represented along with Beauvoir, Gramsci, Pasolini, Vittorini, Benjamin, Brezhnev, Lenin, Marx, or Gattuso himself. Images ©ANSA.
There is also some important footage on the opening evening of the exhibition provided by the Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico.
Here a guide to the people pictured across the mural. It is worth noting the fact that Lenin appears on many occasions, which was quite an appraisal of his legacy.
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