Ask City Council why #PeoplesBudgetLA is being left out of the budgeting process

1. Call 669-254-5252
2. Meeting ID 160-535-8466, press #
3. Press # for ID
4. Press *9 to speak & *6 to unmute

Talking points here: http://peoplesbudgetla.com/toolkit 

1. Talking points Bring #PeoplesBudgetLA back to the table. Why is the budget process so opaque? We need participatory budgeting.

2, We need depts like housing, aging, disability, fire and transportation to have full funding. We cannot cut these vital services.
3. Put money towards care for the people. Care comes from stable housing, food, healthcare and financial support.

4. Access to resources, green space, food, child support, health care, and housing are what keep our cities and our people safe. Police do not. #DefundThePolice
5. Budgets are a direct reflection of a city’s priorities. This city has consistently spent more money to police its people and keep us incarcerated than it has on providing us with services or care. In California we spend 6x more per incarcerated person than we do per student.
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