anitwt im once again asking why do you hate black people ...the constant preaching about love and acceptance and trying to make this a “safe space” for everyone is so bullshit.
the performative activism on here is insane. stop speaking over black voices. please shut up. for the love of God shut up and LISTEN. i’ve seen many black accounts tell you guys to stop using/mocking AAVE but you guys keep doing it ?? you don’t care at ALL.
its not cute either when rp accounts make shit like this. it was never cute or funny. you have a a big following. put some use into it and rt some petitions and threads on whats going on
you rp accs have the time to make a group chat mocking and making fun of black people ?? you have the time to make edits in mockery of black stereotypes but don’t have the time to sign a petition? or have the time to speak up about certain issues? THIS WILL NEVER BE FUNNY TO ME.
this shit also isnt funny to me.
its peoples real lives at stake and you’re more worried about a 2d drawing. ur SICK.
and for nb people ..stop accepting apologies that aren’t meant for you ???? what the hell is wrong with you. the apology isn’t for you so therefore i don’t want to see you accepting them.
black people also don’t have to accept someones apology regarding racism if they don’t want to.
im gonna put in some petitions to sign. if you donate do NOT donate to change . org. they keep the money. please donate to a gofundme or other donation sites and charities that are trusted
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