I wonder why Paxton would be desperate to stay in power. Maybe he really needs a pardon for his more severe crimes? 🤔 https://twitter.com/clearing_fog/status/1319735249304051712
Nothing to worry about, I’m sure. https://twitter.com/clearing_fog/status/1324570509653155841
You aren’t supposed to order people to stop cooperating with investigators are you? https://twitter.com/clearing_fog/status/1324570916492226562
Wow, Paxton is up to *seven* whistleblowers?

Sounds totally above board. https://twitter.com/sisu_sanity/status/1336354896090685441
It’s very normal for a state Attorney General to get a $25,000 gift after joining lawsuits, right?

“Lawyers for Nate Paul gave AG Ken Paxton $25k after he waded into civil suit” https://twitter.com/satirehat/status/1336356035926384643
If Marc Elias isn’t worried about the suit, then I’m not worried. https://twitter.com/marceelias/status/1336331358642163725
Good thread here on the mechanism that Paxton is attempting to exploit, and why it’s likely to accomplish nothing for them - especially within the time frame that they need.

Of course, it still helps them undermine faith in elections, and gives MAGA justification to believe. https://twitter.com/steve_vladeck/status/1336329911275905031
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