1/ This week in the disappointment of Biden’s transition & cabinet picks:

- Ron Klain bails on meeting w AAPI Caucus

- Sec Def nominee is both former military & on board of defense contractor

- Biden advisers smear Deb Haaland

- Maya Harris campaigns for husband to be AG
- Potential nom Rep Fudge:

Asked for leniency in the sentencing of her colleague for DV, despite attack severity, Fudge wrote that "Lance [...] has assured me...this will never happen again."

Mason later attacked and killed his (now) ex-wife, in 2018, stabbing her 59 times.
3/ Ron Klain
I guess representation only matters when it’s convenient. https://twitter.com/nicholaswu12/status/1336023854683205635
Sec Def Lloyd Austin.

Bc we definitely want to do something Trump did. Yay more corporate interests in government.

(Raytheon stock spiked after announcement.)

“Maya Harris has [had] conversations w allies aimed at boosting her husband’s candidacy for AG...Harris, sister of Kamala Harris, is married to Tony West, the chief legal officer at Uber & former U.S. Associate AG under Obama.” https://tinyurl.com/y2p799em 
Oh, also: Xavier Becerra https://twitter.com/murshedz/status/1336342613117468672
Let’s add Tom Vilsack for Ag. Again.

Obama Ag Sec
CEO of Dairy Export Council
Biden Ag Sec

Revolving Door. Imagine that.

Are we having fun yet?

This is not the kind of “representation” & decision making we need.

It’s offensive that Biden acts as if both potential BIPOC nominees & cabinet positions are interchangeable because “diversity” & payback.

It’s offensive to choose a lobbyist hurt & despised by those affected... https://twitter.com/ddayen/status/1336711053980274688
...as payback for years of political support. Vilsack *is* the revolving door.

The musical chairs of possible nominees for HUD, HHS, Interior, & god knows what else is a disservice to everyone who expects more from Biden than “at least he’s not Trump.”
...Treating appointments—cabinet, ambassadorships—as party favors and consolation prizes is not consistent with “build back better.”

There are ways to build a diverse AND most qualified administration.

This is just legal quid pro quo.

Biden should be capable of better...
...The area where expertise does seem to be the priority: CDC/Covid. You need actual medical & scientific experts. Thank God.

But not *everything* is about Covid. The rest of government *still* needs to work...
...This process doesn’t instill confidence that the admin will put American people before political games.

The bar is higher than “not Trump.” Imagine going through the next year—or next 4 years—with a standard that low.

Biden can do better if he wants to. We deserve better.
...Y’all saying, “give him time”?

Personnel is policy. He’s picking now. We should criticize everyone—even our own—& challenge them to do better.

4 years have been awful & tragic.

The years before 2016 weren’t good for everyone, actually. Take off the rose colored glasses.
Checks out. https://twitter.com/mattzeitlin/status/1337050218886475778
I mean, apparently not everyone gets to be represented. Cool. https://twitter.com/tonykchoi/status/1337072924075896834

“He promised he would listen to Indian Country,” Melanie Benjamin, chief executive of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, said of Biden. This historic opp to nominate Haaland "should not be overtaken by anonymous voices that insult both women and Indian Country.” https://twitter.com/jbendery/status/1337086178307215360
#DebForInterior https://twitter.com/jnoisecat/status/1337088954164764673
Biden be like, “Build Back Better,” and then nominated Tom Vilsack.

Biden be like, “I help people who helped me,” and then gives John Boyd the cold shoulder.

Just some people.
I wonder if Ridgeline Partners invests in Raytheon.

Tony Blinken and Lloyd Austin must be besties.

So nice to see between a Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense.

This isn’t concerning at all. https://twitter.com/schwartzbCNBC/status/1337042377941409793
Vilsack. It just doesn’t stop. https://twitter.com/profjscarberry/status/1337610732846915584
You can follow @ProfJSCarberry.
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