Men with children don't want to settle with women with children and be step fathers, despite them having children themselves, because it's not the same.

A thread.

Men have more leverage in the matter. A man who can afford to financially support his children can still take a wife, with no children, & also take care of her as well.
Between the choice of women with children and women without, men will choose without.

Why would men who have the option of both women, with & without children, choose to take up another men's responsibility?
When a man becomes a step father, he has all the responsibility of a father: financially support their lives, but none of the the authority.

When it comes to discipline, it's HER child/ren. When it comes to funding their education, it's OUR child/ren.
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On the other hand, there is very little value a woman can give to another women's child/ren when she already has her own. She will not love nor nurture them the same.

Flip side, men need to provide THE SAME life for their children and hers'.
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Men and women ain't equal and can never be held on the same standard. Men with children is not the same as women with children.
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