Thread of baking/cooking tools to gift. #1 The Thermapen Sugar work that requires accuracy (caramel, toffee, macaron/Italian meringue) and calibration is crucial. Thermapen is the ONLY thermometer that is truly accurate. Everything else is a big fat liar.
#2 Anova Sous Vide. Isn't sous vide for meats? Yes! It's fabulous for making restaurant grade steak and getting the exact temperature you're after in salmon to chicken. But you can also use it TO TEMPER CHOCOLATE! Multi use AND it's small enough to tuck away in a cupboard.
#3 Immersion (Stick) Blender: Soup made smooth right in the pot without transferring (and spilling) to a traditional blender? Check! Blending the perfect mirror glaze? Check! De-glooping egg wash? CHECKITY CHECK CHECK!
#4 Lattice Roller: Impress friends, relatives, and relative strangers with your perfect lattice crust. LIE LIE LIE and say you created this perfection without the aid of a handy tool because we all need a bit of extra praise now and again.
#5 Challenger Breadware: Still making sourdough after all these long months but your crust is a dud? This puppy recreates the steam environment of a professional bread oven in a handy cast iron bread pan that makes your crust crusty.
#6 Holy Sheet!: The half sheet pan that's a workhorse and is stinkin' great looking. This isn't the flimsy stuff you're used to. This is heavy, allowing for a more even bake from everything from cookies to sheetcakes.
#7 Vanilla Bean Paste: Your fave baker has been scrimping on vanilla lately. It's a crucial ingredient but SO expensive. Delight the baker in your life by n0t just getting them vanilla extract but VANILLA BEAN PASTE! It's the gold standard of vanilla.
#8 The Kitchen Scale: This is the scale I use in my baking school and that's used in the King Arthur Baking Education Center. For the best baking outcomes, a scale is crucial and this is one has never let me down.
#9 The Lame: Pronounced "lah-m", this razor sharp tool scores bread so that it opens like a beautiful flower in the oven. If you don't score it, it'll bust out where you least want it to (usually at the bottom of the loaf).
#10 Professional Tart Rings: No bottoms. Perforated. Just perfect. Want to make tarts that are Paris patisserie worthy? You just need the right tool: this tart ring.
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