Golden Rules for the Day

1. Never buy gold on Akshaya Tritiya. But it on Guru Pushyamruta Yogas & Dhana Trayodaahi

2. Akshaya Tritiya is mean for Sugandhita Jala Daana ( Water, Laung, Elaichi, Edible Kapoor )
Avoiding gold purchase on Akshaya Tritiya is for our kalyaan. Kali stays in 4 places, which were decided by parikshit Maharahja. The sthaana are, place where alcohol sevan exists, in Gambling, With Dharmaless women & Men who show kaama ichha and with people who do Himsa.
With gold comes Vaira ( Differences ) in women, that's why on Akshaya Tritiya it is not bought. On Akshaya Triya, punya should be Akshayam ( The inexhaustible) and not Gold.
One who donated pot with sugandhit Paaneya will have punya of living generations and lives where there would be no dearth of water and wouldn't die without water.
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