*Russell Wilson first drive issues*

14.55 1st 1st and 10: middle field open, not hitting seam route behind curl defender. He didn't expect that side to drop from bear spacing. Ethan Pocic got pushed back with late bear forcing BOB pass pro. Checked down for 5
13.18 1st 1st and 10: knew pre-snap he was facing 2 high zone, not hitting the open DK Metcalf dig/basic in rhythm because he's scared of the middle run thru lb opening to his eyes. The window was there with anticipation. Finds Tyler Lockett out-n-up wheel in honey hole for 24
12.07 1st 1st and 10: shift to empty told Russell Wilson he was getting man. He failed to identify the Cover 1 blitz and failed to throw hot to his tight end over the middle. Incompletion. Not playing within the protection scheme.
12.04 1st 2nd and 10: Giants in an odd front with LBs sugaring both of the guards. Maybe because he didn't anticipate the Metcalf dig window earlier, Wilson tried to fire it to David Moore's route in the RZ. Never felt it was drop 8 MFO and that he had extra time. Incomplete.
I am willing to bet the Giants removed the honey hole stuff and dared Wilson to throw the dig.
Drive 2: Wilson opens it by changing the run direction, then changing the run direction AGAIN super late pre-snap. He didn't make sure Duane Brown knew the call. Brown blocked inside zone left; it was IZ right. It was also run into MOFC + a slot blitz (nice PS disguise from #30)
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