The last thing the men behind the curtain want is a conscious informed populace capable of Critical thinking

Which is why A continually Fraudulent Zeitgeist is output via religion mass media and educational system... They seem to keep you distracted in a naive bubble
Did you know about this agreement with America Canada and Mexico under the Bush administration? He signed this agreement that would end the USA as we know it...it was done on behalf of the “investment class” it is a total removal of sovereignty of these countries
Which would result in a new currency called the Amero ..to make a borderless community much like the EU..by fault of this agreement the American Constitution would eventually be obsolete
You’d think a situation like this would be on the cover of every major newspaper/media..that is until you realize the same people behind this are the same people behind the MSM..we are not told what we are NOT supposed to know
The American union the European Union the African Union and Asian union will soon all be merged to one..OWO —NWO ..a plan these men have been working on for 60 years

Everything is a lie...the Fed Reserve was a lie..911 was a lie..war on Afghanistan war was on a lie..Iraq war was a lie...What is their goal? To have everyone chipped..
And if they disagree with us..,we will just turn off their chip..
It’s not “just” a chip..it’s a tracking chip...
And the final step..is th “Infant Chip” which many people are already beginning to accepting under different pretenses
In the end..EVERYONE will be locked into a monitored controlled grid..where every single action preformed is document and if you get out of line..they can just turn off your chip and at that point in time every single aspect of society will evolve around the chips..
Everyones transactions and acts monitored ...All rights removed
The most incredible aspect of all is these totalitarian acts will not be forced upon the people..the people will demand them
For The social manipulation of society to the generation of fear and division has completely detached humans from their sense of power and reality..a process that has been going on for centuries..if not millennia..
And every other form of arbitrary separatist identification this concede has served to control a population utterly malleable in the hands of a few
Divide and Conquer is the motto and as long as people see themselves as separate from everything else they lend themselves being completely enslaved..the men behind the curtain know this ...
And they also know..that if people ever know the truth of their relationship with nature and the truth of their personal power..the entire zeitgeist they prey on..will collapse like a house of cards

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