okay kiddos let's talk chiron

just a brief run down of his mythology- he was a centaur and known for his "wisdom and knowledge of medicine" as Britannica has said. left as an orphan by his mother, apollo essentially adopted him and taught him everything he knew alongside his-
sister, Artemis. his death is what needs to be highlighted at the moment. he gave up his immortality for Prometheus because of his so called betrayal and punishment (he was chained to a rock and left to die) for showing humanity fire. he then was accidentally shot by a poisoned
arrow by Heracles. the worst part of it was the fact that despite being a healer, he could not heal himself and so Zeus (his half brother), seeing him give up his one cahnace for survival for another person, let him become the stars and be honoured.
again, this is all a condensed version of the story and it gives us some insight into the background of the asteroid. now, chiron in astrology is most known by us "the wounded healer". with context, we can understand what that means but what does it truly imply?
i find chiron to be one of the most important aspects in one's chart that I think should be discussed more. the main reason I got into astrology was because I wanted to heal and this asteroid was one of the most important elements to understanding my path to forgiving myself
it's our deepest wounds, the kind of wounds that'll physically heal quickly but emotionally take a lifetime to overcome. it's the maelstrom of feelings that you have attached to bad memories. it's building up a house everyday for it to be torn down by nature
it may seem like our efforts are insignificant and futile but it's all in the purpose of a higher goal. chiron didn't sacrafice himself for nothing. he saw the potential of life and understood that life is a cycle. he understood that he did all that he could've done in his
lifetime. yes that, at first, may seem dramatic but the entire purpose of chiron is my mind is to get you to work towards that final hurdle. yes we may be broken down day to day by life and it's hardships but it's remembering that you have that strength inside you
before you can heal someone else, you need to work on yourself. this is one of those deeply internal asteroids and it really focuses on you working on things you would much rather look away from. remember, the cut will stop bleeding but the scar will always be there.
it's up to you to be able to shift the perspective. I used to view the cuts and scars on my body as flaws, simple additions to add onto the monster that I thought I was but it not only took the help of others but myself to see that they were there to make me stronger
let the marks be a reminder that you can always be above them, that they're nothing but faint experiences that don't tear you down. let them be the paint on your canvas and tell the story of your life. let it show everything you're capable of achieving.
so now let's get into the houses (I'll speak about the sign later)

1H: a lot of people with this placement literally see themselves as monsters. not only was this caused by the conditions they lived in during childhood but also a deep psychological effect of all that trauma
there's this intense fear of being truly perceived. they're afraid that if someone looks to closely, if they listen to carefully that they'll see how horrible you are. here, you are your own worst enemy. their minds conjure up scenarios and scenes illustratimg everything they
hate about themselves and it literally takes a lifetime to break that thinking pattern. it's more than just mocking themselves for how they look or how they sound, it's this voice in the back of their heads that always points out their flaws and faults
it's so deeply ingrained into their thoughts that they don't even think twice of saying it around other people. when it comes to issues surrounding self image, it gets very tricky because all of our self hatred stems from different places
this is one of those situations where you have to tackle on your issues head on because, here, there's this corresponding fear of getting to the root of the issue. there's this built perception of yourself that you actively have to tear down day to day
daily self affirmations and reminding yourself of who you are is important. reminding and building up your character from the ground up is where you need to start. what makes you happy? what made you feel most yourself? when you look in the mirror, do you like what you see?
it's constantly reminding yourself that you're human and youre allowed to not feel the best, most confident person alive but it's also creating a foundation so concrete based on who you are fundamentally as a person that has to be made in order for life to not knock you down
2H: possessions play a big role here and it doesn't necessarily only speak of material possessions. as a greater concept, this axis (2H-8H) speaks of attachments and on this end its about the things that we gain and hold onto. with chiron's presence here
it can create this constant unsteadiness with what you have. not only on the physical level but what you have to offer as an individual. there's this self doubt that has been so built into you and this has therefore lead to you devaluing your worth. i think what this placement
needs to learn is to not hold on so much. in comparison to the 8h (which I'll discuss later) there's a lesson about clinging onto things that don't serve you any good. a wonderful site describes it as this fear of not being stable enough in your life, like it could be taken away
any moment but stability doesn't come in the form of what you own but rather what you make for yourself based on true hardwork and not on the perception of others or even your false impression of yourself. it's almost as if you hold on so much because you're afraid of
reverting back to a time where you had nothing or no say in your life. this then speaks to the issue of control and understanding that life is a give and take and as much as you take, take, take, things have to be fair and balanced.
there's this almost knee-jerk reaction to anyone who threatens to take away what you've worked so hard to build. here there needs to be understanding that you cannot attach everything you are to the things you have or at least think you have
there will inevitably be a moment where we're all knocked off course and left stranded in the water. we'll all experience that roadblock but it just matters how we handle it. you, as an individual, are so gifted and are able to provide so much for others
but there has to come a point where forge your own path independent from those possessions that keep you down. this fear of losing things is just going to send you into a spiral and you need to accept that nothing is truly final. you can always build your own house after a storm
3H: beyond just this insecurity in intellectual expression and thinking, remember this is where the moon find their joy so it includes elements of comfort and where we find fulfilment within our mundane progression through life. here, chiron brings an unsettled mind
there's this inner conflict between what you truly find enough for them. there's this need to constantly engage so much to get lost into the cycle. distracting themselves with activity so that they can ignore this buzziness that plays through their mind all the time
it becomes a story of trying to break through the unhealthy habits that you have planted throughout your daily life. alongside that it's a reexamination about what you truly need to learn and stand to gain from the environment around you
there needs to be clear sense of honesty on all parties in order for these people to find that peace. they can move around so much, do so much and absorb so much to make up for the lack of confidence they have in the knowledge of themselves.
not only this but their engagement with others is never built on a place of security or connection but just so that they can place their full attention on something else that isn't them. not only does this create someone who is so set in their ideals of the world, but someone
so disillusioned about reality and the pain they're inflicting on themselves. you cannot keep distracting yourself and only selectively choosing what the truth is. having to come face to face with our demons and the fear in our brain of not being enough is natural but it cannot
be there to consume you totally. you have to look at them and see what effect they're not only having on other but you too. the pursuit of knowledge should be pure and when you mix in the affairs of your own fears, it becomes something that needs to be unpacked fully.
not only that but realise that your thoughts still carry weight. you can be heard by others and your voice is not weaker than others. you are allowed to be expressive and free from this guilt and shame you have attached to your thoughts and feelings
4H: the issues here originate from the most personal and private parts of our lives- our home. beyond just the domestic elements, home speaks of where we recharge, where we hide away from the world. home is supposed to be our sanctuary, where you can unwind and take care of
yourself. home is where you are supposed to feel the safest. it's where our dreams lies but it's always where our greatest nightmares can materialise. chiron here, simply put, can bring up a complicated relationship with home and family. I use the word complicated because not
every native with the placement will have the worst household ever but it brings up issues of secrecy, lies and pain attached to this house. bring up my major point here, these people never fully had a home where they felt most safe. your past is a place of pain and you tend to
not look back because looking back allows you to actually come to terms with everything you've had to endure. here, it can feel like life was essentially sucked from the home, like it was a barren wasteland you had to survive in and that is wherein the major issue lies
these people never got the opportunity to see home as this positive thing. their idea of home is morphed and twisted to the idea of survival instead of comfort and peace. these people are either the ones that have absolutely given up on the idea of family as a concept or
have this concrete dream of making a family they never had the opportunity they have. but the problem with both of these is that regardless of the instance, there's still an avoidance of the past and the issues that needed to be addressed. these people are running and running
away from the people and houses that left them most scarred. and the thing with healing is that it is never easy. without jeopardising your safety of course, you cannot ignore the past. time is all around us. it's within our finger prints and tongue. we are riddled with memories
of the past and things that made us who we are. these people need to go back and fully face everything. because it's in those moments that you will find what you lacked, what you were denied, and make sure that history never repeats itself
5H: here, there needs to be a loss of shame in terms of your creations and how you spend your time. chiron in this house creates this effect of someone who doesn't take their time to de-stress and find something meaningful that makes you feel properly expressed
here, it can seem like doing anything that doesn't seem constructive or purposeful a waste of time and it can further infiltrate into their heads and how they take care of themselves and their inner world. the 5H means to connect through activities that make us feel revitalised
it's our expression, the colours we wear and the paint on our brushes. here, there's this constant self doubt that stops them from pursuing everything they want. there's this idea that nothing they do is good enough and that every effort will go to waste
but the thing they need to remember is that if we don't try, how will we truly know the output? here, this placement needs to learn to trust in their abilities. not only that but they have to recognise just how talented and skilled they are at something
on a more broad note, it's learning not to find shame in the things you enjoy. it isn't always a desire of perfection they're reaching for but the fear of being seen as inadequate and not enough by others and that everything they'll do will be misinterpreted for something else
the 5H is also about children and i think on a more abstract level, it speaks of understanding the value of your creations and seeing that you're so powerful you can give something life itself. there's this weight that's on their shoulders and even though pressure is not always
necessarily bad, sometimes the pressure you put on yourself is greater than the pressure others put on you. it's about taking down these expectations of how you're supposed to appear and be and allowing yourself to be thrown into the moment and have fun
you're allowed to spend a certain time doing what you enjoy. also don't be so critical of your capabilities and how you use your time. when someone gives you genuine criticism, understand it's from a place of understanding in comparison to this idea of hate in your head
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