Gen. Lloyd Austin, on the Raytheon Board, is yet another high-level Biden nominee enmeshed in DC's corporatist "revolving door" of legalized influence-peddling.

If confirmed, Raytheon will have a very good friend in charge of the bloated $750 billion annual U.S. defense budget.
When Trump chose a recently retired General (Mattis) to run the Pentagon, Democrats warned they'd give a waiver under the National Security Act only once. But now Biden needs one for Gen Austin. Will Dems make good on their vows by blocking this key Biden Cabinet appointment? Hm.
The people who claimed for 4 years to be so worried about "norms" cheered as CIA withheld information from the elected President & secretly sabotaged his policies.

They're the same ones who said only crazies think US has a Deep State, even though that's a Deep State's hallmark.
Now the same people who prattled on about the sanctity of "norms" for four years want to install as Pentagon Chief a General who only retired 4 years ago (thus needing a waiver under the National Security Act), is on the Board of Raytheon (!), and this:
News headlines are largely ignoring all these disturbing facts about military control over civilian institutions and "Revolving Door" swamp corruption to instead tout Gen. Austin's identity -- showing again how the neoliberal order exploits identitarianism to shield itself:
If tapping a member of Raytheon's Board of Directors and a recently retired Army General to run the Pentagon's massive budget doesn't disturb you and your profound commitment to "norms," what does?
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