Here is what i talked about at the @FMentored lunchtime launch. It's what I learned about rest from my own experience of Burnout and from being an (amateur) competitive track cyclist
1. Rest is not the opposite of work, it is essential for work. You need it to come back stronger
2. No one can work at 100% of their effort every day. Plan for peaks and troughs. If you have an unplanned trough, don't panic and overcompensate the next day!
3. Know what works for you. How does your energy work? When do you work your best? We're all different so comparing how we work with others, either to judge ourselves or them, is pointless.
And addendum: Having realised your limits is not something to be ashamed of. Having had burnout doesn't mean you can't do your job. More often than not it's caused by external factors you have no control over. You can and will build back stronger.
AND FINALLY! Being able to rest is something that privilege makes much easier. If you're in a position of power in your orgs, make it easier for your people to find balance, especially those who have less power or privilege. Don't make it a choice between health or 'success'
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