While the report doesn't share the specifics of his viewing habits (and much of it has been deleted), they do have info on the political figures and groups he donated to, and many of them were far-right YouTubers.
I think it's important now, more than ever, to remember that throughout the 2010s, Stefan Molyneux - now a confirmed influence on the Christchurch shooter - was repeatedly given incredibly widespread amplification via Joe Rogan, Dave Rubin, and Jordan Peterson, among others
The Christchurch shooter also donated $138.89 AUD (~$100 USD) to National Policy Institute, the white supremacist think tank run by Richard Spencer.
At times, there has been a tendency to write off Richard Spencer as somehow just a media clown who is ultimately "less violent" than groups like Attomwaffen. This gives away the lie to that binary distinction (or at least should make us question it)
The shooter also donated $106.68 AUD to Rebel News, a far-right Canadian outlet/YouTube channel run by Ezra Levant, which has helped launch the public careers of figures like Lauren Southern, Laura Loomer, Gavin McInnes, Faith Goldy, Jack Posobiec, and Tommy Robinson
The shooter donated the most money, and had the most extensive contact with Generation Identity, and the neo-Nazi leader of its Austrian branch, Martin Sellner. Sellner frequently collaborated on YouTube with his now-wife Brittany, who is still active and verified on Twitter
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