So I was thinking about what @simonahac said about Labor and Greens, and the struggle between the two. How it looks from where I sit working on a daily basis with ppl who make stuff and design stuff and move stuff from place to place, is the big difference is about "how"...
Big goals are cool. They sound good. They look good. They are a reference point. We need them. Both parties have net zero by 2050 as a goal. But the "how" looks different, because the parties have a very different support base.
Labor had to come up with a "how" that meets the needs of people on welfare, people who build stuff, people in manufacturing, people who teach, nurse, cook, clean, grow food, drive buses and taxis, design parks, fix plumbing, manage offices.
The Greens can have a how that is a bit more loose and aspirational, because it is the goal itself is the core thing, and many Greens supporters have skills they can throw in to work out "how" as they go along. But lots of people - Labor voters - want a plan, with detail.
It's a bit like communicating sustainability to builders. I could write endless articles saying greener buildings should or must be built, describing leading examples of the art. And I've done a few of those. But where the best value lies is in articles that talk about how
In small steps, in workable, practical ways without needing huge budgets and a fleet of consultants, an average builder can deliver a better result. It's not glossy stuff. It's sealing and orientation and what products to use for all-electric, that kind of stuff.
That kind of practicality is missing in some of the policy that gets flung out there. That level of how-to IS something I saw in Tim Storer's energy efficiency bill in 2018. Libs killed it. I see it in Helen Haines Regional Power Plan and I hope Labor backs that. It's a good fit.
What I want to see more of in Greens policy, and future Labor policy is practical "how" that addresses the lives, jobs and skills of the majority of us. Not just policy that talks about the money people and the investors - policy about the people that do all the everyday stuff.
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