Lots of people don’t know restaurants and bars pay RETAIL in Ontario. It’s truly bonkers. We are BUYING IN BULK and not getting any bulk discount. It’s time to end this and allow us access to wholesale pricing. @fordnation DO IT NOW! Give us a chance to survive. Throw us a BONE! https://twitter.com/theblackhoof/status/1336123340373843978
People have been pushing for this for a long time and it’s crazy it hasn’t happened yet. Pretty much everywhere else IN THE WORLD gives licensees wholesale pricing because we are ....BUYING TO RESELL. Restaurants pay so much into the system and are not ever rewarded for it.
Wholesale pricing is important! @LCBO makes a WHOPPING 70% MARKUP for doing fuck all to distribute wines in restaurants. Delivered by agents, invoiced by agents, marketed & sold by restaurants. It’s nuts. And it’s why consumers have to pay so much for good wine in our restaurants
Check out this very helpful visualization from @RevelCider
I was only asking for wholesale pricing but while we’re here...modernization is NOT the same as privatization. Having both (lcbo/private retail) will only enhance our marketplace & create jobs. It won’t HAVE ANY FISCAL AFFECT ON THE GOV! They get their cut no matter who sells it
The @LCBO is basically a pretty ok big box store like what if Walmart were your only option for GROCERIES. Anyway imagine if you could go to the LCBO for your basic needs but hit the Natural Wine Shop or the Whiskey Specialist for all the fun stuff? WHAT A WORLD!
You can follow @TheBlackHoof.
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