If you ever want to understand what we mean by pseudo libbies also known as Libtards, libeRahuls, Liberats, Illiberals, fiberals, wokes, snowflakes etc, this is classic example.
They are by default hypocrites, portray themselves as feminists, progressives and (1/7)
Truth is they are dumber than anyone you can find, virtue signalling snowflakes and top level hypocrites.
Before social media these kinds could peddle this kind of narrative without any counter but nowadays they get blown away by likes of True Indology (2/7)
Some argue that why such fakers who jump into others thread to shit should be countered and why they shouldn’t be ignored?
For two reasons
1) Nobody goes to their timeline or thread but they jump in yours to lie and spread disinformation.
Typical modus operandi (3/7)
is question authenticity of any post and sow doubts. This doubting is not based on some proof or logic but simply questioning anything with intention to sow doubts. When answered with proof, they generally put up a straw man arguement like why should we spread hate by (4/7)
exposing truth when lies are so comfortable. They will drag debate down to some imaginary good times when JAkbar used to sing Sarkai lo khatiya Jodha Lage to fictional Jodha...

2) They will slowly normalise their distorted view if not countered. Just check how many (5/7)
lies were rampantly peddled by Rana Safvi, Pratik Sinha and gang in just few days when True Indology was suspended.
Now they are running a concerted effort even begging left wing pseudo libbies to do everything to block his account again because truth scares them the (6/7)

Again request all to read this enlightening brilliant thread which has made all kind of pseudo libbies high on Haleem to scurry for cover.
This is brilliant to the core. (7/7)
You can follow @modified_hindu.
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