Not any moment's out! Data at last: it's 92 pages from Pfizer/BNT & 53 pages from the FDA
Oops - cut & paste fail ⬆️: the 53 pages from the FDA
I'm going to start with the FDA's analysis ... It's for about 38,000 people in the phase 3 trial with 2 doses & 2 months followup. Plus some safety data for them + another 5,000 people enrolled up to November 14... 1/n
...The efficacy data is for people aged 16 to 89 in the vaccinated group (up to 91 in placebo), but there is some data for 12-16 years (none got covid though). 21% 65 years or older...2/n
Bottom line on tolerability: more adverse events than flu vax, less than shingles. Moderately painful (interferes with but doesn't prevent daily activities) for 27% of up to 55s, 18% of over-55s. Chills, aches & pains at all (mild & up): about a third, fatigue at all 59% ... 3/n
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