Here’s a little story of how I see America working....
Remember when you were in kindergarten? Let’s say we have a Dem class & Gop all of us Dems are learning & playing w/ our toys, teacher says the other class and a coming in...they bust through the door...-1
Yelling & screaming about how they won the kick ball game yesterday when the score was 10-0 for us..they run & get the fun toys & taken them from us & not letting us’s now snack time the teachers have set it for each child the next thing you know is they’ve all taken -2
2 each so we get the teacher says it’s time to paint, by the time painting is over the gop class has thrown paint all over the walls & floor. As they go back to their class they kick & pinch all of we start cleaning up their mess the principal comes in & -3
Says the gop teacher has been to her talking about how bad we treated them durning their visit & how we must do better to get along w/ them...all the while we’re still cleaning up there mess! I for one are sick of cleaning up after them! Just in my life time I’ve watched GOP -4
Presidents screw up America for the everyday man for a Dem president come in clean it up being fought the time for Americans to elect another GOP president to screw it up! Then again we are having to clean up after Trump the whole time being told -5
How the rules they lived by durning their time don’t apply to us...I’m so over it! I was raised we were the best country to live in over the past 4 years I have started to question that & after this election the GOP have shut win me what traitors they truly are!
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