Dear academia! I recently received an email asking me to sell coauthorships on my upcoming papers to "get some profit" @AcademicChatter @RetractionWatch @UBVU (thread) (1/8)
Let's ignore the typical flattery of such predatory spam emails and focus on what academia has become. If the goal is to publish more papers, researchers (even bad ones) will find a way to publish them! (2/8)
What is particularly worrying, the researcher "ready" to be my coauthors are all from Eastern Europe/Asia. This will lead to less trust in papers published by researchers from such countries and irreversible damage to the reputation of publications involving them (4/8)
We just finished a project with Kazakhstani partners, will other scientists really think that they actually contributed to a potential paper? And I am a coauthor on two papers with a hard working and extremely dedicated researcher from Iran. Will his work be appreciated? (5/8)
While I could be flattered to be recognized as a "leading figure in my field" to whom people pay for coauthorships, I cannot shake off the feeling that they targeted me because I also come from an eastern/southern country...(6/8)
(with a supposedly more relaxed view on morals, corruption and scientific integrity, as none of my other colleagues received such an email) (7/8)
For future reference, if you want to be my coauthor, invite me to join your research project consortia. Actually working on environmental issues in these wonderful countries would be a pleasure! (and I am a great team player) (8/8)
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