It's amazing how little they actually talk to school administration in all of these "kids should be back to school" articles. It's like there's no realization that schools are operated by a huge array of PEOPLE.
They're not empty buildings where kids just show up and hang out with each other. Obviously, you need healthy teachers. But you also need healthy CDL-qualified people to drive the buses. You need healthy trained and certified people to serve the lunches.
Just to meet all the state protocols, you need a healthy janitorial staff to do the deep cleaning that takes hours and hours.

When you have a virus raging through your town, guess what: A bunch of all those folks are sick/in quarantine and not available.
Do people think there are just CDL-qualified bus drivers hanging around waiting for a call to help out when we need them? Back-up lunch folks? Back-up janitorial staff? There sure as shit aren't any people lining up to substitute teach this year!
And then people are like, "there's no evidence of spread at schools." Well, no shit. They're working their asses off to prevent it! With all the hybrid models and mask-wearing and deep cleaning etc.
I think schools should be open. I think they should be among the last things to close in any community. But maybe just acknowledge a little bit that schools aren't vending machines where you insert your child and knowledge is delivered?
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