People seem to forget just how great a player Steven Gerrard is.
Every Steven Gerrard goal in the Champions League. Fact that this video is 6 mins long tells you all you need to know about him.
“There was a point when Gerrard was the best midfield player in the world. It is unusual to get complete midfield players who can do everything, but that is what he was.” [Zinedine Zidane]
“I’d have to say Stevie [was the best England team-mate]. For me he’s an incredible player, an incredible leader. He helped me a lot during my early days with England.”
“It was a disgrace he didn’t win European Footballer of the Year after Istanbul in 2005 and, for me, he will be regarded as one of the greatest midfielders of all time.”
“I’m spoilt having a team-mate like Gerrard as I can count on him supplying me with perfect passes. You make the run into the space and however tightly marked he is, he finds a way to get the ball through in perfect condition."
“There are a small number of players in the world that are irreplaceable, and Steven is one of them. Not just irreplaceable as a player but also as a captain, and what he represents for Liverpool.”
“To me he is one of the super best midfielders in the world. He is an excellent player.”
“What I have always liked of Steven is that on the pitch he was very quiet, but was capable of inspiring all his team-mates with great strength, not so much with words. The real example & that is what I’ve learned from players like Steven & Baresi is to do rather than talk."
“And he was indeed one who did a lot and since he also had great talent, he was easy to follow. His story is one of those stories to be told, one of those fairytales, to be narrated to your children and grandchildren.”
“If you were looking for the player you would replace Keane with, it would be Gerrard. He has become the most influential player in England, bar none. More than Vieira. Not that Vieira lacks anything, I think Gerrard does more for his team than Vieira does & has more to his game"
“I’ve watched him quite a lot. To me, Gerrard is Keane. Everywhere the ball is, he seems to be there. He’s got that unbelievable engine, desire, determination. Anyone would love to have Gerrard in their team.”
“I tried to bring him to Chelsea, I tried to bring him to Inter, I tried to bring him to Real Madrid, but he was always a dear enemy. I was dreaming of having Claude Makelele, Gerrard and Frank Lampard in midfield.”
“In my opinion he’s in the top three midfielders in the world, maybe the best right now. I heard what Alex Ferguson said about him being better than me. He’s probably right. Gerrard is England’s best player and he single-handedly got Liverpool into the Champions League."
“He is the complete player. He can score, he has a great final ball, he can tackle and he drives his team forward. He is a winner on the pitch, which is why I really admire him.”
“Steven Gerrard would be the captain of my World XI dream team. Gerrard is a complete player because he can play in every position and can do everything with a football at any time in a game. He’s a player who scores goals, who builds the play, he’s a sensational player.”
“While at Milan he Ancelotti came to me & said, ‘I want to sign Gerrard to play next to you in midfield, what do you think?’ Without any hesitation I told him, ‘Do it, go & sign him.’ He was probably the most complete midfield player in Europe, of course I wanted to partner him."
“I remember asking Carlo a few weeks later how it was going & he told me Gerrard had given a very firm no, that his bond with Liverpool was unbreakable. At the time Milan were the champions of Europe & had the best team in the world. It says a lot about Gerrard’s loyalty.”
“I think Steven Gerrard is a fantastic player. He has been loyal to his club, he has won some big trophies with the club. He feels more an international player rather than a normal English player."
“English players have big hearts, always fighting, very aggressive, but Gerrard, for me, feels more international. He has more skills than a normal player. Every time we play against him, the coach always says to be careful with that player because he makes the difference.”
“For me, and I have always said this, he will be regarded as one of the greatest midfielders ever. No doubt.”
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