Some thoughts arising from the current #Brexit blame game (which won't surprise anyone who follows me; except that it's a thread):
1. Although very few in popular news media & politics are prepared to acknowledge such (and never were, and that’s on them) the key EU benefit... 1/n
for many Remainers (both UK on Continent & vv) is Freedom of Movement. Although only possible fully within the Single Market, it is lazy and deceitful to construct a narrative in which Remainers insisted on Remaining at any cost and were not prepared to compromise at all. 2/n
What they weren’t prepared to compromise on was FoM (the ending of which happens to be key to the far right’s ethno-nationalist project). In this sense, supporting FoM and consequently the SM and consequently Remain is both morally righteous and socially progressive. 3/n
But neither main party would offer full SM membership because they chose to pander to racists under FPTP instead. 4/n
2. After the 2016 Referendum, Corbyn’s Labour had a narrow window to “respect the result” of an advisory referendum (a referendum which was the cornerstone of a far-right project) but also to inform and educate the public on why the UK had to stay in both THE SM and THE CU… 5/n
(no equivocation or saying different things to different people—none of which worked anyway). They chose not to do this. The parallel history in which Corbyn’s Labour chose to do this cannot possibly have been worse than the version of history we are currently living in. 6/n
Remember: “Brexit” as voted on was undefined. It would have taken courage, leadership and vision to define a Brexit that acknowledged the social needs and economic grievances of small towns, rural areas, the post-industrial demographic and Middle England… 7/n
without pandering to racists AND while insisting that the UK kept its place in THE SM and THE CU. But neither of the major parties tried it. Which is odd wrt Labour, because usually being in opposition means, you know, opposing. 8/n
3. Neither Corbyn’s Labour nor Starmer’s HAD to pander to racists – they chose/choose to do so. Which is unforgivable. You could conceivably argue that under FPTP Labour “has” to pander to Leave-voting ethno-nationalist voters—and still does. 9/n
But Brexit and its consequences are on Starmer’s Labour because they could have made #PropRep their core policy and fought Brexit every step of the way. But chose not to. 10/n
4. The other thing pretty much no-one talks about anymore is that Corbyn’s Labour were offering a #finalsay in Dec 2019. It’s on the electorate that it preferred (and still prefers) No Deal to democratic socialism under FPTP. 11/n
The irony is that in terms of polling, the English by majority actually prefer the policies of democratic socialism over the policies of the far right, but still will not vote for these policies if presented as “unfettered power” being given to “socialists”. 12/n
Again, this is a very strong argument for #PropRep. Which Labour refuse to acknowledge, preferring to chase the votes of racists. 13/n
5. Ultimately—and everything else stems from this—there was perhaps no politics-as-normal solution to Brexit, because Brexit did not come about through politics-as-usual. The number of supposedly intelligent people who still refuse to accept this basic fact is mind-boggling. 14/n
6. The only answer to Brexit was probably a civic one (certainly after 2017 GE it was definitively the only option). But the English on the whole don’t do civic engagement. So, we’re facing the hardest of all Brexits (and always were). Scotland does civic so has a chance. 15/n
7. Brexit always meant No Deal—or as close to No Deal as makes no difference—because this is what those behind Brexit have bought & paid for. Trying to pretend otherwise is deceit or propaganda. Opposing Brexit meant taking a position that negated No Deal: THE SM + THE CU. 16/n
8. Brexit isn't politics-as-usual, but the jobsworths in politics & political journalism have had to pretend it is, so as to maintain their income, power, influence & status. Those of them who know what Brexit is, but pretend otherwise, are deeply & irreversibly culpable. 17/n
9. A plague on all your houses. 18/ENDS
10. P.S. Why am I so implacably angry with Labour? BECAUSE I EXPECT MORE FROM THEM. After seeing the handiwork of multiple Tory govts up close over decades I expect nothing from the Tories except lies, misery, greed and corruption. From Labour, I expected better. My mistake.
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