It’s only early dec but I’m bored so I’m going to do a “books I read this year” thread. Only going to link to books I feel I can recommend so this isn’t everything I read. The first 2 are joint best books I read this year- rest are recommended in any order
May also do an “honourable mentions” for off-brand books
Scratch that- 3 books of the year. It was a good year. Also not recommending good books I haven’t finished yet
Best book I read this year #1 - Age of Entitlement by Christopher Caldwell
Best book I read this year #2 - The Chrysanthemum and the Sword by Ruth Benedict
Best book I read this year #3 - Ruling the Void by Peter Mair, RIP
Recommended books
On another man’s wound by Ernie O’Malley
The Upanishads by ????
The Táin, Ciaran Carson translation
The new class war by Michael Lind
Can life prevail by Pentti Linkola
Can’t hurt me by David Goggins (it’s good I swear)
Greek and Roman political ideas by Melissa Lane
Not recommending this by reposting as the extracts were interesting even if the book wasn’t - Maoism a global history by Julia Lovell
Antifragile by @nntaleb - incidentally very helpful understanding behaviour of large bureaucracies during covid
Small men on the wrong side of history by @edwest now renamed “Tory boy”
The code of Hammurabi translated by LW king
On Sparta/ sayings of the Spartans by Plutarch
Chaos by Tom O’Neill
Head hand heart by David Goodhart
Making sense of the troubles by McKittrick & McVea
Intellectuals and race by Thomas sowell
Honourable mentions and off brand stuff
Read a ton of Agatha Christie stuff this year and my general feeling is that she’s a way better and more adult writer than she’s given credit for. Stand outs were peril at end house and the body in the library
Continued my quest this year to read every “Parker” book Richard Stark wrote during the 60s and 70s. Two left I think. They’ve given me more pleasure than any series of books I’ve ever read. Especially essential reading if you’re a man who feels shut out by/
/The increasingly female-centric world of books, these are essential
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