I literally provided a link to a place called "The Acehate Database" in the original thread. It's a place where I collect various things that happen to aces.
It's divided into categories, so it's pretty easy to find things to these & more topics.

Oh well. Let me just ...
Allo cishets often don't embrace aces.
Sure, they might accept "cishet" aces, but usually because they assume that those "cishet" aces are fellow allo cishets. That's not acceptance.
Otherwise, there's a whole lot of insulting, pity, suggesting/attempting to "fix" aces, etc.
Bosses & coworkers might not know someone's ace & treat them like a fellow cishet, but again, it's not acceptance.
If (potential) bosses or coworkers find out, aces might not get hired or treated badly.
Landlords are less likely to rent to aces than to heterosexuals.
Religious institutions don't love aces. They see aces as unnatural or sinners.
They want people to be straight. They want you to be sexually attracted to "the opposite gender".
They don't want you to have premarital or extramarital sex, but they want you to want/have spousal sex.
A lot of families would accept family members more if they were any other LGBT+ identity other than aces. Some wouldn't accept either. Aces get abused, kicked out by families or made to feel broken & in need of a fix. That is if they don't disregard their orientation altogether.
Health care providers often see asexuality as either a symptom of something & try to fix it or confuse it with something & try to fix it, regardless of the patient's assurances that it's not an issue.
This includes general physicians, gynecologists, psychiatrists & nurses.
On top of all those things, aces also get the "meanies saying mean things" like anonymously telling aces to kill themselves & harassing them on social media.
It would be bad enough, if this really were the only thing that happened to aces, but it's just the icing on the cake.
So now that I did all of this work of addressing each point, finding examples & even highlighting the important bits, you can go ahead & ignore this too & simply claim it's not true, just an individual case, taken out of context or actually homophobia/misogyny/flying monkeys.
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