Reverse Boosting MEGA THREAD:

BO2 was the first CoD title where pubstompers reverse boosted. Pubstompers would join a friends session that had bad stats and then would add everyone in the lobby to have a full friends list of bad players that they could always session join.
Session joining in BO2 was easy, because the majority of the time people went for gameplays in Ground War so lobbies didn't fill up that much. What also made this strategy easier, is that lobbies did not reset after each game. So you could stay in the say "bad bracket" lobby.
K4RNAGE, WeAreAMPClan and other "clans", although were in competition, had a secret "pact" where you would back out of a noob lobby if a pubstomper was already in the lobby before you. The continued in Call of Duty Ghosts.
Advanced Warfare was the next biggest CoD to introduce a harsher SBMM system and this time hackers and modders played a massive part in Reverse Boosting. Just several weeks after release, you could buy a RB account with 100,000+ deaths, all weapons unlocked and max prestige.
The cost of such an account varied, but generally $10-$20 was the normal. Some pubstompers would turn this $10 investment to $100,000s in YouTube ad revenue.
The next couple of Call of Duty titles were a little bit stale, but session joining was the norm and some pubstompers went as far as filling up their pre-game lobby with subscribers that had terrible stats.
Modern Warfare (2019) was the next biggest change, where pubstompers would search for a game with a noob account and join that noob account whilst it's in the lobby before the match. This would allow the pubstomper to get a noob lobby and they would back out their noob account.
There was another "pact" mentality with a lot of pubstompers and telling people how to do it was a no go. This continued throughout until today, where now the community has figured out the methods and are divided between what's right and what's wrong.
Finally, my thoughts: I don't care about reverse boosting. This is the first CoD I've done it in since buying a hacked account in Advanced Warfare and I've had the most amount of fun I've had in years. The truth is, pubstompers will do anything to get noob lobbies (cont)
because to put it simply, getting a knife only nuke, double nukes and that sort of gameplay against matched players is impossible. Does it make it right to Reverse Boost? I'm not sure. I had to learn how to play CoD with no SBMM and so did many others.
The truth is, there is no justification to SBMM apart from one... It only benefits one person/company, and that is ATVI. The system has been implemented because it makes more money for the company and it won't be reversed until that stops.
As mentioned last night, ATVI and devs are now aware of the exploits, so it's possible that the joining session exploit might be fixed in some capacity. Either way, big changes are coming for Call of Duty and it's community. It's going to be an interesting next few months.
My names Tom and this has been my TED Talk.
You can follow @_TomHenderson_.
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