Extensive U.K. discussion on #EU27 approach to #Brexit. Began with @anandMenon1 & @jillongovt who suggested 1 reason for hard Brexit is ‘defensive’ EU. Now @Mij_Europe has a poll offering the ‘defensive’ option. @NashSGC has thread explaining why EU defensive-SM. @BrigidLaffan
1. EU must defend the gains of integration both polity & market power. This is not ‘defensive’ as in anxious but defending achievements @BrigidLaffan
2. Membership has to matter or why would states submit to mutual vulnerability. If the #Brexit argument is to throw off constraint why would the 27 allow an imbalance between rights & obligations especially for a large state @BrigidLaffan
3. The Union & relations across the member states are more strategic to all member states than relationship with U.K., significant though that is. @BrigidLaffan
4. Moulding of a decent/close relationship is impossible given the way #Brexit panned out in U.K. Since 2016 successive UK governments have wanted more rights with fewer obligations than could countenance. There are other neighbours who take on greater obligations @BrigidLaffan
5. Behaviour of HMG has undermined core trust rather than built it up given the U.K. was leaving. @BrigidLaffan
6. EU is the essential expression of deep interdependence in Europe. UK has every right to leave but should not expect EU to undermine core principles that enable it to work. Defending the gains of integration is not being defensive, it is strategic although not in favour of U.K.
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