debunking this entire thread/my opinion on this entire thread because it’s so wrong on so many levels and here’s why, from a stan point of view
“the culture is toxic.” just because you have had some bad experience with a few stans doesn't mean the whole entirety of stan culture is toxic, there’s millions of people in stan culture, i’m pretty sure there’s obviously gonna be some good AND some bad ones, but the positive
outweighs the negative. i’ve met some absolutely amazing people while ive been here on stan twitter for almost 2 years, and generalizing the entire community into this bad group is toxic
“I am sick at looking at insta and seeing that i am tagged in yet another edit made with some garbage phone app”
If you have such a huge problem with it, why do you turn off your tags, and also stop downgrading art just because you think some teens on the internet stanning
people is weird. editing is talent and art and it’s skill, it takes time, the amount of sweat and tears and hours some of these people put into just to support or acknowledge their favorite creator and you just see it as garbage, sounds pretty ignorant to me
“these people are unwell mentally their obsessions with online personalities only amplify this”
again, you continue to generalize EVERYONE who are stans and calling all stans “mentally ill” because of their ‘obsession’ with online personalities is so wrong on so many levels
yes, many of the people who are in stan culture or participate in stan culture may have issues mentally ect so they go to the internet/their stans for that, they use it as a coping mechanism, notice how i'm using PEOPLE and not generaalizing all of them
they use it as a positive outlet and to make friends, because it can be hard, and it can be hard to find people around you in real life who have the same interests are you.
also, while we're on the topic of obsessing over people, lets talk about how neurodivergent people (hyperfixations most commonly used among people with adhd or autism) have hyperfixations, being hyper fixed on something means sometimes when neurodivergent people get attached to
something (completely out of their control), they focus on it constantly for however long the fixation lasts. there are actual reasons people are stans, simply for their ‘special interests’. they can't control their hyperfixation, it’s ignorant to assume that, because there’s
plenty of people who participate in stan culture that are neurodivergent. it’s ableist to even assume that, especially when there’s SO many people on stan twitter who are neurodivergent and go to places to share
their special interests with others who might have the same interests as you,
and, calling an entire group of ppl mentally ill just adds to the stigma that “mentally ill people aren’t actually real and have struggles” and adds to the stereotype that you can just enter and choose
to be mentally ill, so you’re point about everyone on stan twitter being mentally ill is also wrong.
“twitter has helped amplify this, as the platform has become overrun by this garbage, i want nothing to do with you or your collective hive-mind its disgusting”
if you spend this much time obsessing over literal teenagers for sharing their special interests on online websites i think that’s disgusting, you’re a grown ass man, it’s weird how much time you spent obsessing over teenagers who have done nothing wrong to you, i think you’re
the problem because you keep stigmatizing and generalizing us into this horrible figure, the problem isnt twitter amplifying thi cause theres stans EVERYWHERE not just twitter
by doing this you're forcing yourself into only seeing only the bad and generalizing only those bad experience with those few stans with all of us when that’s not the case
stan culture is not as bad as people make us out to be and it’s annoying, just leave us alone, it’s literally just a bunch of teens divided into other sub-groups for different reasons or interests and to make friends and have fun, don't see how this is such an issue for people
if you have a problem or you are arguing with this thread you are the problem, don’t come into my replies trying to argue because i don’t care, this whole ‘thread’ he made against stans was stupid and ignorant
and if you want to add anything feel free to
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