Hi All! Josh here with another plea to help some students and ECRs!

This is a thread, and I encourage you to read it, please, and share if you feel appropriate. The gist is that @AncientWorldMag is trying to help young scholars, but we need your help. 1/?
Over the last couple of weeks, the team at @AncientWorldMag has began to advertise that we now have Patreon sponsorship to pay one author each month €100 for an article. In this time, I have advertised it here on Twitter and on the Liverpool and Kentucky lists. 2/?
In this small window of time, we have received enough proposals to fill almost an entire year of paid articles. NONE of these have been questionable. They have all been submitted by graduate students and ECRs who have a clear vision of the articles they want to write. 3/?
Almost everyone of these has been accompanied by a message explaining why they are seeking compensation for their article. I will not share the messages we have received (as I view this as a breach of privacy), however, the message is clear: PGRs and ECRs need our help. 4/?
Whether it is telling us that €100 will help pay their rent, buy their food for that month, or just generally help to make their life less miserable, our future contributors have made their point clear. Postgrads and early career colleagues are not being supported. 5/?
So, where does this Tweet thread come into relevance? I am asking once again for your support in the mission of @AncientWorldMag to provide an open-access and public-facing platform for scholars of all experience levels. 6/?
We are in a position to help support students and young scholars by paying them for their hard work and publishing that amazing effort in a very visible place. But, we cannot do this alone. None of us on the editorial board take a salary or any cut from our donations. 7/?
We do this because we believe in public-facing scholarship, and the need to elevate voices into a public discussion of antiquity. All of our work, our hosting fees, and other associated costs, are either done for free or absorbed by our amazing E-in-C, @JoshoBrouwers 8/?
And thus, I humbly - and profusely - ask you for help. We need more Patrons to help pay more students/ECRs for their hard work each month. If we can just get about €80 more each month, we can pay a second author for their piece. 10/?
But, I would also like to reach out to my wealthier colleagues and friends here on Twitter and ask for something even more. We would love if we could find individual sponsors for articles, whether a one-off or monthly. 12/?
If some of those in privileged antiquity studies positions could donate €100 in a particular month, you would be directly supporting a PGR/ECR who desperately needs our help. 13/?
This could take the form of an article through our normal submission/selection process, or even a sponsored article coopetition looking at a specific topic. We are open to whatever help you can give, regardless of the details. 14/?
Any and all questions can be directed at myself: [email protected] , or at our editorial board more generally: [email protected].

Once again, I beg you for your support in this trying time, so that we can help our junior colleagues.

- Josh
You can follow @JoshuaRHall3.
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