Titi Arowolo married a “youth pastor”.
He beat her and she ran home more than 10times but he “begged” and she went back.

2011, she was found dead.
Postmortem show he stabbed her more than 76times, cut her chest open and sliced her stomach and liver.

He’s alive today. She’s not.
She was a banker.
It was a violent and turbulent marriage.
He beat her like an animal and she runs away but he will “beg” and she went back.

He waited till his birthday and butchered her finally.

This happened 2011. He only finally got sentenced in 2014. But he’s still alive.
He stabbed her very brutally on the face, neck, split her chest open, sliced her heart, liver and stomach. He stabbed her at least 76times- it was so violent and horrific that he even mistakenly cut himself in the process.

Even a chicken is not subjected to such brutal killing.
His defence team in court said she stabbed herself and maybe committed suicide.

The ONLY thing that proved in court they were lying was the postmortem. It showed atleast 76 vicious stab wounds across the face, the neck, the chest, the tummy.

No way she could do that to herself.
Bottom line?
A partner who beats you may eventually kill you.

Your death may even be repackaged as a suicide. And even if he gets sentenced to death (like this Kolade Arowolo in this story), he may never ever actually be killed.

But YOU will be dead.

Your choice. Good morning.
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