I really love doing stuff for jahman like cooking, packing lunch and all that. Hell, the minute the cows come home I’ll even kneel because that act of honor and love is just so cute to me. Which is why I always say feminism to me is a fight for choices. THREAD âŹ‡ïž
Women being given a platform to choose what they are most comfortable and unapologetic about which was something we didn’t have the privilege of having in the past. CHOICES! It was always a model woman is a homemaker and wife but a model woman can also be a Boss babe.
My problem with modern feminism is that we must all subscribe to the same doctrine but that is going against what feminism was initially born from. CHOICES. A woman CHOOSING to stay at home and have children while taking care of her husband is feminism. A woman CHOOSING to kneel
For her man is feminism. A woman CHOOSING to grind and working hard on her hustle is feminism. A woman CHOOSING not to marry is feminism. Because feminism is personal and it boils down to choices.
Our most common error as women is wanting to push the same narrative for all women and God forbid if we do not subscribe to the narrative of a macho, independent and self sustained woman we are not feminist enough.
Feminism is a fight for CHOICE! Women mustn’t be limited to the textbook version of what society thinks we must be. And in this fight for choice one cannot then say my choice to prepare lunch and be a homemaker is less of a choice because it’s not what you would do.
Hey. I’m a feminist. In my spare time I also cook, wash hands before dinner, write cute notes for my man’s lunch box while running my business and chasing the bag because that’s my choice.
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