"Left or right" measures the length politicians will go for corporate donors at the cost of our lives and freedoms. We the people must be the priority. As a collective, we are not left or right. We are above that unit of measure, and we need politicians who are above it, too.
Media furthers the narrative. MSM says we can work together except the "far left." Right-wing media says anything "left of Trump" is too far.

Both sides know Bernie, AOC, etc are only a threat to corporate interests. By that measure, they aren't left OR right. They are above it.
I'd argue our political landscape isn't a line but a diamond with a line through it.

Top: serves the people & bans big money in politics.

Left: serves corporations, harms some people

Right: serves corps, harms more people

Bottom: total corporate control, people don't matter
Propaganda machines, Q conspiracies promoted by Congress, convincing people not to protect each other in a pandemic... Looking at the diamond and the explanation in the tweet above, it's easy to see that people in power have dragged the U.S. below the line of the Left and Right.
An edited version of the political diamond that, in my opinion, is more accurate. Let's take the labels "Democrat" and "Republican" out of the equation.
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