Review of #ASuitableBoy by @MiraPagliNair in 10 clips

Clip 1:
Construction of a Shiva temple is equated with erection of penis of the king building it

Original book has no such scene or dialogue. The addition is deliberate and insulting
Clip 2:

The king building the Shiva temple is shown as a cruel crook who threatens to chop off hands of men building it, visits prostitutes, is a drunkard and sexually abuses women
Clip 3:

The only good Hindu in series is one who has a Nawab friend and loves Urdu shayari. Needless to say that the Nawab is the best

While a Raja is building a temple near mosque to “provoke”, peaceful Muslims recite poetry on streets as protest
Clip 4:

In the novel, a cleric gives inflammatory speech against kafirs, making the mob want to demolish the temple

Web series has cut out that episode & shown what’s not in the book - Hindu minister justifying bloodshed saying ‘We are a Hindu nation’
Clip 5:

Hindu woman Lata and her Muslim boyfriend Kabir kiss in a temple amid sounds of aarti

The original novel on which TV series is based had no such scene. Looks like makers added it only to insult Hindus and show temples as hideouts for lovers
Clip 6:

A Tazia procession and Rama procession come face to face on a street. A man from Hindu side pushes a Tazia to the ground, triggering riots

Propaganda to show Hindus as riot-instigators because in novel, man enacting Rama falls on ground first
Clip 7:

Hindu crowd catches two men, asks them to recite Gayatri Mantra and open their pants or they will be killed

Propaganda to show that it is Hindus who trigger riots and Hindus who kill people for not following their faith
Clip 8:

The good Nawab asks his secular Hindu friend to contest from a Hindu area on his behalf as communal Hindus won’t vote for him.

“This was the heartland of the struggle for Pakistan,” says Nawab, suggesting it was Hindus who created Pakistan
Clip 9:

A drunkard Maan stabs Firoz. But Firoz and Saheeda Bai save Maan in court by giving false testimony

Nawab is the best. His son Firoz is a saviour. Even tawayaf Sayeeda Bai is great human being. Hindus are riot-instigators, mean & communal
Clip 10:

Lata marries Haresh, leaving Kabir heartbroken and distraught. Kabir does not believe in religion, but Lata’s bigoted mother does not let real lovers unite

If you question why they always show men as M & woman always H, you are even more bigoted
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