Pogba has been a £90m-plus disappointment; on signing him Jose said he could command @manutd midfield for a decade and more: he's maybe done it for half a season in four years and counting...
This Pogba soap opera is why Van de Beek was bought and was a smart bit of business from Solskjaer: knew this kind of thing was coming down the track from Raiola...
This is @ManUtd: a MAGNIFICENT club - time to move on: this the diametric opposite of what Solskjaer's work to build unity and spirit on and OFF the pitch is about...
V simple way to understand how well Pogba has done: COMPARE him with Fernandes...
Pogba’s an employee of @ManUtd: he has a responsibility to club, team, manager. A responsibility to ensure his agent says nothing to undermine team, club, manager. Sad thing: on song he’s a BEAUTIFUL footballer. The song has not been heard enough...
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