1. A society should be judged on how it treats its most vulnerable. This doesn’t just mean the elderly, the sick and the poor. It means addicts, sex workers, religious and ethnic minorities. It means prisoners who did reprehensible things.
2. This is a philosophy that tests us to our core, that asks us to use mercy and love when every fibre of our being wants retribution. It asks us to come face to face with popular will and fight against it. This is the core of my political bias and my faith.
3. It’s the thing that I hope guides my decisions as a journalist, a citizen, a friend, a brother, a son, a lover. It’s something I fail at daily. But I aspire to it. It’s 12:49 a.m. on a Tuesday. It’s a thought that’s keeping me awake. It’s good to wrestle with that. 🙏
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