Whomever thought it was a good idea to send the royals to Scotland made a serious error in judgement. I know what we'll do: Let's send the hallmark of privilege (in a time when everyone is struggling financially) to meet key NHS workers (in places where family can't even...
...visit relatives) in defiance of rules with respect to moving around regions (which everyone else is having to follow) thereby making them a possible vector of transmission to transport coronavirus between those keyworkers (and possibly infect the vulnerable at other sites)...
...while simultaneously undermining restrictions and rules that common men and women are following DURING A GLOBAL PANDEMIC.

That'll make the Scots more royal friendly and feel safe in the loving arms (strangling arms) of the UK.
All they've done is re-inforce the (correct) viewpoint that royalty and those privileged to have high-net worth financially, believe themselves to be above the sacrifices that the common man and woman are having to make in their daily lives.
It wasn't a morale booster - it was the equivelant of rubbing it into the faces of the common person, that they are unable to move around freely, see their loved ones or engage in the normalcy of pre-covid life. It was dangerous and reckless.
But I guess it's ok when those same common people pay through the teeth to make sure that you live in the lap of luxury - including to get top tier medical treatment from the top physicians in the world privately if you happen to get COVID 19.
Medical treatment that they themselves will not receive.
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